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The FY2024 General Budget Proposal of Taipei Municipal Government Has Been Submitted to Taipei City Council on August 29, 2023

The FY2024 general budget proposal with the subordinate agency budget and consolidated tables of general budget proposal, and the second FY2023 supplementary budget proposal of Taipei Municipal Government have been submitted to Taipei City Council on August 29, 2023. The annual revenue for the FY2024 general budget proposal amounts to NTD184.23 billion, and the annual expenditure for FY2024 amounts to NTD190.81 billion, respectively showing increases of 5.26% and 7.50%, compared to those for the FY2023 general budget. The amount of the shortfall for the annual revenue and expenditure (NTD6.58 billion) and the debt repayment (NTD7.87 billion) total NTD14.45 billion which will be financed with the surplus of previous fiscal years.
The annual revenue for the FY2024 subordinate agency budget proposal amounts to NTD261.97 billion while the annual expenditure for FY2024 amounts to NTD250.03 billion. Compared to those for the FY2023 subordinate agency budget, the annual revenue and expenditure show the decreases of 6.58% and 5.91%, respectively. The surplus is NTD11.94 billion and indicates the decrease of 18.61% when compared to that for FY2023.
The net annual revenue and expenditure for the second FY2023 supplementary budget proposal amount to NTD14.04 billion and NTD11.11 billion in addition, respectively. The amount of the surplus of the net annual revenue and expenditure (NTD2.93 billion) will be transferred as the surplus of previous fiscal years.